Baptist Emergency Care - Coral Way

NV2A built this off-campus, 24/7 Freestanding Emergency Care Facility (FSECF) in Coral Way, Miami. The building consists of CMU walls cladded in aluminum composite panels and glazed with Level E missile impact-resistant curtain walls, rated to withstand high-velocity hurricane force wind loads. The central clinical area is lit with natural day lighting provided by a clerestory space, which will benefit the patients in the treatment room through glass doors. The building has a main entry covered drive on the South for walk-in patients and a covered ambulance drive for transfer patients on the North. The project also includes a 105-car parking lot, a separate exterior stair access for the mechanical penthouse located on the roof, and an emergency power generator with associated enclosure walls. Clinically, the facility will accommodate: 1 bereavement/consultation room; 2 first-care/triage rooms; 10 treatment rooms (including Isolation rooms); 2 resuscitation rooms (1 bariatric); results lounge area; 1 decontamination room; 1 CT scan room; 1 lab; 1 medication room; 1 clean supply/equipment room; 1 receiving/bulk storage room; ancillary support areas for patients and staff. This is an Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) reviewable project. Seeking service from this facility? Visit: Baptist Coral Way

project details


Baptist Health South Florida






35,760 SF


The Keeley Pavilion & Garage 13 
South Dade Transit Operations Center
Dadeland South Intermodal Station
Gulliver Upper Campus Complex
Baptist Parking Garage 7
The Underline - Phase 3
Garden Residences
Key West International Airport, Concourse A & Terminal Improvements
Bal Harbour Waterfront Park & Community Center
The Center for Student Life at Gulliver Prep