Baptist Emergency Care - Country Walk

The project consists of an off-campus, 24/7 Freestanding Emergency Care Facility (FSECF) in West Kendall, Miami, and it will be the first of its kind to be built by Baptist in South Florida. This building is composed of CMU walls cladded in aluminum composite panels and glazed with Level E missile impact resistant curtain walls, rated to withstand high-velocity hurricane force wind loads. The central clinical area is lit with natural day lighting provided by a clerestory space, which will benefit the patients in the treatment room through glass doors. The building has a main entry covered drive on the north for walk-in patients and a covered ambulance drive for transfer patients on the South. The project also includes a 213-car surface parking lot, a separate exterior stair access for the mechanical penthouse located on the roof, and an emergency power generator with associated enclosure walls. Clinically, the facility will accommodate 1 bereavement/consultation room, 2 first care/triage rooms, 12 treatment rooms (including Isolation rooms), 2 resuscitation rooms (1 bariatric), a results lounge area with 8 patient stations (2 stretchers & 6 chairs), 1 decontamination room, 1 CT scan room, 1 radiology/Fluoro room, 1 lab, 1 medication room, 1 clean supply/equipment room, 1 soiled hold, 1 receiving/bulk storage room, and ancillary support areas for patients and staff. This is an Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) reviewable project.

project details


Baptist Health South Florida






17,610 SF


The Keeley Pavilion & Garage 13 
South Dade Transit Operations Center
Dadeland South Intermodal Station
Gulliver Upper Campus Complex
Baptist Parking Garage 7
The Underline - Phase 3
Garden Residences
Key West International Airport, Concourse A & Terminal Improvements
Bal Harbour Waterfront Park & Community Center
The Center for Student Life at Gulliver Prep